
Germany - Another Birthday Party Gone Wild and Facebook is Guilty

Be careful when you invite people for your birthday party. A 16 year old girl Thessa from Hamburg, Germany posted an open invitation for her birthday party on Fecebook. It was supposed to be private, but the teenager forgot to change the settings.
When as many as 15 thousand Facebook users answered to this invitation, Thessa tried to cancel the party, but unfortunately in vain. Crowds gathered in front of her house in the day of expected birthday party. According to Hamburg police records approximately 1.600 guests arrived. Most of them were even wearing shirts with Thessa’s photos. Fortunately, policemen were able to manage the situation. A few people were arrested and one policeman got hurt.  
Really, after so many such incidents Facebook should ban posting open birthday invitations.

90% of Icelanders Are Facebook Users

According to the SocialBakers’ (a company studying the social networks’ statistics) recent data, in Iceland there are as many as 278 480 registered Facebook users. This amounts to 90% of the whole Iceland population. Only 8% of Icelanders with Internet do not have a FB account. The most - 25% - Fecebook users are young adults, i.e. people aged 18-24. Other statistics are the following: 25-34 years old – 24% of Facebook users, 35-44 years of age – 15% of FB users, 45-54 years old – 11% of Faceboook users, and age groups 16-17 and 55-64 – 7% of Facebook users.  
As far as the gender is concerned, 53% of Facebook users in Iceland constitute men and 47% women.

Is a Facebook invitation a good way to ask your friends to come to your birthday party?

It was not for Łukasz K. (29 years old) from Pełczyce, Poland. “Flying” flowerpots, broken beds, and painted with markers walls were only a drop in a bucket of damages after Łukasz’s birthday party to which he invited his 150 FB friends. The party was interrupted by the police who were called by his neighbours. After the party Łukasz packed his clothes and food and headed for a foot trip to Polish mountains.
It all started with Łukasz posting an invitation on Facebook. He wrote his address, the time when the party begins and stressed that places are limited.  Łukasz’s neighbours claim that they have never seen so many people in one place. Later on, when more guests arrived, street fights began. The noise was heard in the whole town of Pełczyce. Łukasz attended the party only in the beginning. Later he went out of his house to line skate with his friend.
As he returned and saw the destroyed house, he packed his clothes and food and left his parents a letter that he went for a foot trip. In his last Fecebook status he wrote he had spent the night in the woods near Leszno.