
Max Schrems vs. Facebook

Although Facebook has many proponents, a great number of them find at least something annoying about this social network.  A 24-year-old student from Austria, Max Schrems, finds the whole idea of Facebook not only annoying, but against the law.  According to Schrems FB makes illegal use of its users’ private data.
Max Schrems got interested by this dark side of Facebook last year, when he came for a one-semester student exchange to Santa Clara University, US. Then, his professor invited Facebook privacy lawyer Ed Palmieri to give a speech to the class. Schrems was shocked that the lawyer had little idea about how severe data protection laws are in Europe. He decided to write his thesis about Fecebook not understanding Europe’s privacy law. While making research for his paper, Max found out that Faceboook  owns hundreds-of-pages-long acts about one user and keeps data even about those who signed out from FB. After his come back to Austria, he publicized his findings online. Now this is a case for Congress.  

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