
Polish Priest Announces on his Facebook Page that Halloween is Harmful and Should Be Abolished

Polish priest Pawel Zawada has recently posted on his FB page that Halloween is a Satan’s night and those who would be celebrating it on 31 October are going to be doomed.  He also claims that in Poland it is on Halloween that Satanists provide sacrifices during their black masses.  The priest has as many as 934 Fecebook friends.
In Poland he is not the only one who thinks like that. Poland is predominantly a Catholic country and many have a similar point of view. Warsaw Archbishop Kazimierz Nycz, for example, claims that Halloween promotes “occult and magic” and therefore is against the teaching of the Catholic Church.   
In Poland Halloween is a new tradition. Since 1989, i.e. the Fall of the Iron Curtain, Poles have been celebrating All Saints’ Day (on 1 November).

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